According to the ACTS Austin Chapter, we must fill more of our critical positions (Facilitator, Co-Facilitator, Finance, and Communications) and have at least 8 Core Team members of equal men and women. Our present Core Team of 5 is not sustainable and not balanced. Without a Core Team, St. Catherine will no longer be able to offer ACTS Retreats.
Please consider submitting your name and desired position to be considered. For questions or to sign up, email Gloria at [email protected] or sign up below. Summary of positions listed below.
General Requirements
Each parish community supporting ACTS has a Core Team of parishioners who have attended previous ACTS retreat and served on an ACTS retreat team at least once. These brothers and sisters serve by organizing support for the annual men's and women's ACTS retreats and small faith communities and facilitating other smaller events throughout the year (Trunk or Treat, Bake Sales, Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser, Living Rosary, La Posada).
Core team members commit to serving on this team for three years and participating in monthly Core team meetings.
Responsibilities Summary:
Organizes and facilitates the ACTS Core meetings. Prepares agendas in advance of the meetings. Keeps members on task.
Serves as primary point of contact for and in communication with the pastor, ACTSM and ACTSM Chapter.
Mentors new ACTS Core Members and gives them access to the archive of previous meeting minutes and reviews the ACTS Core YES Agreement with each new member.
Oversees and directs the mentorship of the ACTS Retreat Director.
Oversees individual ACTS Core Members’ support of the ACTS Retreat.
Serves as de facto parish representative at ACTSM and ACTSM Chapter meetings or events.
(Detailed document available upon request)
Responsibilities Summary:
Organizes and facilitates the ACTS Core meetings. Prepares agendas in advance of the meetings. Keeps members on task.
Serves as primary point of contact for and in communication with the pastor, ACTSM and ACTSM Chapter.
Mentors new ACTS Core Members and gives them access to the archive of previous meeting minutes and reviews the ACTS Core YES Agreement with each new member.
Oversees and directs the mentorship of the ACTS Retreat Director.
Oversees individual ACTS Core Members’ support of the ACTS Retreat.
Serves as de facto parish representative at ACTSM and ACTSM Chapter meetings or events.
(Detailed document available upon request)
Responsibilities Summary:
Records, amends, finalizes, and stores the ACTS Core Meeting Minutes and sends to ACTSM Chapter.
Collects and distributes member reports prior to the upcoming meeting and keeps a record of these.
Maintains a database of ACTS Retreat attendees and Team Member roles and records essential information for qualifying future candidates for ACTS Retreat Director and ACTS Core Membership.
Submits updated ACTS Core Rosters, ACTS Retreat Team and Retreatant rosters to designated ACTSM Chapter.
Transmits official communication on behalf of the ACTS Core to the parish community as per parish communication policy and approved methods.
Submits all ACTS Retreat dates and Retreat Director’s contact information directly to ACTSM and ACTSM Chapter for publishing on its website and other media channels.
Builds and maintains an information repository of current and accurate ACTS resources.
(Detailed document available upon request)
Responsibilities Summary:
Proposes and/or organizes ACTS Core sponsored parish events.
Proposes and/or organizes ACTS Core fundraisers at the parish (per Parish/Diocesan policy).
All proposed activities or events must be approved by the ACTS Core and then submitted to the pastor for final approval. Any activity beyond the scope of the parish must be approved by ACTSM.
Events sponsored by ACTS Core should be open for all parishioners (parish or coalition) to attend. Exceptions are executive sessions of Core meetings, team meetings, Pentecost event, optional team only de-brief, and ACTS retreats that are only for team members and registered participants.
Fulfills any other duties needed to support ACTS Retreats and ACTS Core activities for the parish as assigned by the Facilitator.
(Detailed document available upon request)
Responsibilities Summary:
This role may be held by two people, one for men and one for women; however, if a Parish is having trouble maintaining their numbers on core, they may determine that this role may be held by one person.
Builds and maintains an inventory of supplies for all ACTS Retreats: men’s, women’s and teens.
Advises an ACTS Retreat Director of supplies available.
Develops a check-out system for and distributes supplies as requested by an ACTS Retreat Director.
Receives purchase requests from an ACTS Retreat Director to present to the ACTS Core for a decision.
Fulfills any other duties needed to support ACTS Retreats and ACTS Core activities for the Parish as assigned by the Facilitator.
(Detailed document available upon request)
Responsibilities Summary:
This role may be held by two people, one for men and one for women; however, if a Parish is having trouble maintaining their numbers on core, they may determine that this role may be held by one person.
Coordinates any outside volunteer support needed for an ACTS Retreat beginning withthe Sendoff, Candlelight, the Reception after the return Mass, and transportation to and from the retreat site as per parish and diocesan policies.
Works with ACTS Retreat Directors to schedule and secure a venue for a Team’s Day Retreat.
Coordinates with the Teen ACTS Coordinator for any additional adult support (i.e. chaperones or cook team volunteers).
Fulfills any other duties needed to support ACTS Retreats and ACTS Core activities for the parish as assigned by the Facilitator.
(Detailed document available upon request)
Responsibilities Summary:
This role may be held by two people, one for men and one for women; however, if a Parish is having trouble maintaining their numbers on core, they may determine that this role may be held by one person.
Offers opening and closing prayers at the ACTS Core Meetings.
Facilitates the ACTS Core’s annual Day Retreat.
The purpose of the Core’s annual Day Retreat is to spiritually prepare the Core for their role as servant leaders supporting ACTS Retreat teams at the parish. This can be facilitated in the same manner as a team Mini Retreat.
Works with ACTS Retreat Directors and Spiritual Companions to support the Team’s Day Retreat as needed.
Supports ACTS Retreat Spiritual Companions as needed.
Organizes prayer events for the parish and coordinates with ACTS Retreat Leadership to facilitate integration of retreatants into small church communities. Small church communities are comprised of men, women, couples or families from the same parish that meet regularly in prayer to continue their faith journey.
Fulfills any other duties needed to support ACTS Retreats and ACTS Core activities for the parish as assigned by the Facilitator.
(Detailed document available upon request)