The Angel Gabriel has always been a messager of love. His first words, "Be Not Afraid" opened the door of love to a poor unwed mother, the Mother of God. The mission of the Gabriel Project is to plant the seed of God's love within the hearts of women who feel lost, alone and afraid - whether rich or poor, single, married, young or older. The need in an unplanned pregnancy is one of understanding and caring. We offer a resource network to support a mother's birth alternative -THE GIFT OF LIFE- to give a hope for tomorrow.
At the heart of the Gabriel Project are the women who serve as mentors, Gabriel Angels. They are a living example of God's love and compassion to the women they serve.
Angels meet regularly with the expectant mother to help her identify, plan and set goals to obtain self sufficiency. The relationship can last through the duration of the pregnancy and until the baby is 6 months old.
To receive help, call the Project Gabriel Hotline at 1-877-WE CARE 2,
or Rhonda Smith in the Community Ministries office at 512-892-2433.