Looking to PARTICIPATE in a ministry at St. Catherine’s?
Have a desire to SERVE both God and your community?
Want to SHARE a lasting experience with friends and family?
Want to wear the LATEST in Liturgical Fashion? (Just kidding)
Be an Altar Server!
St. Catherine of Siena Church is looking for young people to join its Altar Server Ministry. Assisting the Priest during the celebration of mass is a ministry traceable to the earliest days of the Church. Altar servers not only assist the Celebrant, but serve as a role model for the rest of the congregation. Parishioners often remark how a team of servers made the Mass more meaningful for them.
If you want to be an Altar Server:
• Fill out the form below and turn it into the Church Office. You must be at least nine years old, have completed the Sacrament of Holy Communion, and be willing to commit to serving at least one Sunday a month.
• Three special training sessions for new servers will begin held on three Sundays—October 13, 21, 28 —from 6:15 p.m. to 8 p.m. in the Sanctuary of St. Catherine’s. At those sessions you’ll get a hands-on explanation of your role at Mass and get to know other members of the Altar Server Ministry.
• Once your training is completed, you’ll be entered into the schedule to begin serving. Initially you’ll be scheduled with our seasoned, professional servers until you learn the tasks and become comfortable in serving on the altar.
For more information contact Carolyn Jordan [email protected] or Jeff Patterson ([email protected]).
NAME __________________________________ PHONE ___________________