6th ANNUAL FATHER’S DAY GOLF TOURNAMENT, JUNE 16: The Knights of Columbus Council 8156 will host their 6
th Annual Father’s Day Weekend Golf Classic tournament at Plum Creek Golf Club in Kyle. The tournament begins with a shotgun start at 8:30 a.m. The entry fee is $100/player. Proceeds will help support many charitable organizations in Central Texas. We will have breakfast before play, auction items, door prizes, and lunch after players finish. Make it a family event. Treat Dad (and yourself) to a special Father’s Day weekend event. If you would like family and friends to join you for lunch (around 12:30 p.m.), you can purchase lunch tickets for only $15/person. You must reserve the ‘lunch only’ tickets on or before the registration deadline on Mon., June 11. You can also help by volunteering at the event or donating items. Visit
www.kofc8156.org for information and to register for the tournament.