Mass Times: 6:00, 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM; 1:30, 5:00 PM. As you make plans to attend Easter Sunday Mass please consider: • St. Catherine’s Parish Hall is under construction, making parking difficult. • No overflow Mass site is available this year, so the 800 seat church sanctuary will fill quickly. Click here for some recommendations:
Summer Challenge is engaging service event for the middle school students of our diocese. Summer Challenge will be held June 11 - 15, 2018. For detailed information click here.
The Women of the Parish are invited to join us for our Fall Retreat on September 27-30, 2018. The Retreat will be held at Eagle's Wings Retreat Center in Burnet, TX.
If you would like to remember a loved one through a memorial gift of Easter lilies, you can order online here.The lilies will be used to decorate the church in celebration of the Resurrection of Christ! Friday, March 23 is the last day to order! Click here!
Do you have or know a young college student earning an associate’s or bachelor’s degree? Could they use some extra love & support from St. Catherine’s parish, especially around final exam time? Our Faith Formation families will be sending College Care Packages in May, find out more information here.
Registration is now open for our licensed play-based program for children ages 2–5 years old. The program is in session from September through mid-May. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Tuesdays through Thursday, with options for a 2-day or 3-day a week option. Click here for more information about the program.
This six week Friday evening workshop, beginning April 13, gives parents multiple strategies for helping children get along with each other. If what you're already doing doesn't seem to be improving things, try some new tools for the parenting toolbox. Topics include intervening helpfully in conflicts, what to do about tattling, and specific tactics to encourage good feelings between brothers and sisters. Read more here...