As the Christmas Season approaches, we wonder how we will get through all those traditions, and how to prepare for the holidays if we have recently lost a loved one. Join us on Tues., Nov. 19, at 10 a.m. in room A202/A203 for a presentation by Cheryl Jordan on dealing with grief during the holidays. Cheryl has a Bachelor’s degree in Social Work, a Master’s degree in Counseling and has vast experience in grief work. Please make plans to attend. For additional information, contact Jeanette Britt at (512) 892-2420.
The ACTS community invites you to participate in our Quarterly Spiritual Talk meeting on January 30th between 6-8:30 PM at St Catherine's Siena Hall. Our objective is to grow our spirituality and meet new people. We will cover different topics related to our spirituality and faith followed by a potluck which will give us an opportunity to know each other in a relax environment. Please contact Martha Fer at [email protected] for more details.
The Dat of the Dead (Dia de los Muertos) Parish Altar will be set up in the narthex from Sat., Oct. 19 until Sun., Nov. 17. Please bring a memento or photo of your loved ones to place on our altar.
At the end of April 2019, the State elected the new political party and the newly formed government immediately took over the sand distribution into its own hands. At last, the government declared a new sand policy but by then the monsoon season started and surprisingly the land experienced plenty of rain which made all the rivers and creeks overflow with the water, which in turn made the sand availability difficult for the builders. The monsoons finally subsided and sand extraction began and now we have sand in hand. Now you can see the progress of the work. From this point on, if everything goes well, we should have the full structure completed by the end of December and the dedication by June 2020. Let’s hope and see that the things will go well, obviously not according to our plans, but according to HIS plans. Thank you all for all your prayers, patience and above all love towards the extension of St. Catherine in this rural part of India. Sincerely, Fr. Ray Pothireddy (Click here to see pictures of the site.)
The funeral for our beloved Fr. Oliver will commence with a Visitation and Rosary at St. Catherine of Siena on Sun., Oct. 13 at 6:30 p.m. The Mass of Christian Burial will be held at St. Catherine on Mon., Oct. 14 at 10 a.m. Burial will follow immediately after at Cook Walden Forest Oak. There will be a reception in Johnson Hall after the burial. Please bring a dessert to share with the community.