Join us at the upcoming Parish Ministry Fair during Coffee & Donuts on Sun., Aug 18 after the morning Masses. The ministries and organizations of St. Catherine will be on hand in Johnson Hall to share their ministries, answer questions and tell you how you can join. If you would like your ministry to have table space, please contact Community Ministries at (512) 892-2433.
The Secretariat of Life, Charity and Justice of the Diocese of Austin will host a gathering at St. Catherine of Siena that will bring together parish leaders whose faith inspires them to respond to current challenges relating to evangelization in contemporary society, lay leadership, poverty, injustice, and the promotion of human life and dignity. Join us on Sat., Aug. 24 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Johnson Hall. All are welcome! Cost $20. Please register at Call Rhonda Smith at (512) 892-2433 if you have any questions. Deadline to register is Aug. 16.
On July 16, 2019, Bishop Joe Vasquez presented the 2019 Lumen Gentium Awards to persons nominated by the pastors and staffs of Diocese of Austin parishes. This year, Fr. Pat nominated Gloria Rodriguez for her service to our parish. Gloria was a catechist in our parish for the last 22 years. She recently moved to a new life in New Mexico. She educated many of our children in the faith and is a role model to all catechists. Fr. Pat, Fr. Ray and members of staff traveled to the Mayborn Convention Center in Temple, TX to honor Gloria as she was presented the Lumen Gentium (People of Light) award. Well done, Gloria!
We are excited to announce the Edge Middle School Program & Life Teen High School Programs are coming this fall! We are seeking Core Team members to help plan and implement this program. No experience is necessary! If you are interested in learning more, please send an email to Livia at [email protected].
Back to school can be a stressful time of year for many families. For children, the prospect of returning to school is daunting if their families cannot afford the required school supplies. We will be collecting new backpacks and school supplies for students that live in Foundation Communities’ affordable housing apartments in southwest Austin and also for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please consider purchasing a backpack and/or school supplies for these children. Pick up a school supply list on the table in the narthex. Please return your donations by Sunday, July 28. Thank you!
Dr. Carl Pickhardt will speak at St. Catherine on Sun., July 21 at 3:00 p.m. Dr. Pickhardt is the author of "Who Stole My Child?" and "Surviving Your Child’s Adolescence." He’ll discuss parenting through the stages of adolescence and will take your questions. The presentation is free. Click here for more information and registration. Childcare is available with reservation.
In May, our Ablaze high school students hosted a Bake Sale to benefit Fr. Ray’s mission in the Diocese of Kurnool, India. The funds they raised by selling muffins, cupcakes, and cookies were donated to one of the schools. The school was able to purchase 20 desks for the students who had been sitting on the rough floor of the school. Now the students and the teachers are very happy with their desks. Fr. Ray received some pictures of the school to share with our parish. Job well done!