As we prepare for Easter, there are many activities this week at St. Catherine. On Wed., Mary's Way of the Cross will be held in the church at 1:30 p.m. Holy Thursday Mass will be celebrated at 7:30 p.m. On Good Friday, the Stations of the Cross will be held at 3:00 p.m. in the Church. The Passion Service will take place at 7:30 p.m. On Holy Saturday, we will have the Blessing of the Easter Baskets and Food at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtyard. The Easter Vigil Mass will be held at 8 p.m. The Parish Offices will be closed Thursday, April 1 through Monday, April 5.
Would you like to remember a loved one through a memorial gift of Easter lilies? Your loved one's name will appear in the Easter bulletin and on the decorative donation board in the narthex to be displayed during the Easter services. A donation of $10 will help decorate the church in honor of the Resurrection of Christ. Deadline is Mon., March 29. Click here for more information.
On the nine days leading to the Feast of Saint Joseph, we will recite the Litany of Saint Joseph before all liturgies at St. Catherine. This includes all daily, Vigil and Sunday Masses from Thurs., March 11 through the Feast itself, Fri., March 19. We will have The Litany available as a physical prayer card in the Narthex beginning this weekend. It can also be downloaded from the website.
Contrary to the Governor's decision regarding masking and social distancing, we will continue with our current policy regarding these and other related issues. At present only a mere 7% of the Texas population has been fully vaccinated. We believe that it is too soon to make any substantive changes that may compromise the safety of our Parish community. Yours in Prayer, Fr. Pat and Sue