Fr. Boniface Onjefu is the Pastor of St. Mary’s in Lampasas, Texas. He comes from Otukpo, Nigeria and continues also to serve the needs of the people there. The Bishop of Otukpo is seeking assistance to rebuild Catholic schools and hospitals from deterioration following government seizure and neglect over many years of turmoil and corruption. Fr. Boniface will be here to make an urgent appeal on behalf of the Diocese of Otukpo. Please help us make him welcome. Your generous response to this mission appeal will benefit many in Nigeria.
Pope Francis has designated Sunday, July 25 as the first annual World Day for Grandparents and Older People. We will offer a blessing prayer at all the Masses for these beloved members of our families and the community. The Holy Father has also written a special message to them in the form of a letter that we will make available next week at the doors of the church. Click this article to download the letter and the prayer.
Participating in the Mass from home was a comfort in times of distress and disease. Now, however, we are able to fully participate in Communion and the Community. Why did we miss it so much? The Mass is where Catholics have always met God and each other in a unique and life-giving way. Join us on Monday evenings beginning Aug, 2 for a five-part series on the Biblical Roots of the Mass by Dr. Edward Sri.
We will be opening the campus for group meetings effective Aug. 2. A letter has been sent to ministry group leaders. Each ministry group leader is responsible for the safety of all meeting attendees and we are advising that persons who are vaccinated are free to attend without a mask but those who are not are strongly encouraged to wear a mask. We will also require all persons engaged in ministry, including catechists at every level, and general volunteers to be vaccinated to serve. This limitation was imposed to protect the vulnerable members of our community from exposure to COVID as a public safety measure. To read the full letter, please click this article title.
In observance of the holiday, Parish offices will be closed on Friday, July 2 and Monday, July 5. Daily Mass will be celebrated at 12:00 p.m. on both days. Happy 4th of July!