At this time, we are unable to receive incoming or make outgoing calls. Appropriate personnel are working diligently to restore phone service. As an alternate means of communication, the Staff is able to receive email. You may find Staff email addresses on the website under “Stay Connected > The Staff”. Thank you for your understanding.
This year in honor of the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, we will host a no-contact, stay-in-your-car, blessing of your beloved pets on Sat., Oct. 2! We are adapting this time-honored ritual to fit our current circumstances. Join us by driving into the West parking lot (the big parking lot, without the car shelter) before we begin at 9:30 a.m. PLEASE ARRIVE EARLY.
Please return your food donations to the narthex. You may also return items directly to Abiding Love on Sunday, Sept. 19 where the Knights of Columbus will host a Drive-Thru Food Drive at Abiding Love from 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. They will unload donations from your car.