St. Catherine of Siena is excited to announce the launch of the Renew and Rejoice in His Spirit campaign. We can’t wait to share the exciting details of our capital campaign this weekend! We are launching our campaign to refurbish our sanctuary and retire debt on our parish center. You can also stop by the narthex after mass to pick up a campaign brochure. Click here to hear Fr. Pat talk about the Campaign.
Every Friday evening during Lent, the Knights of Columbus Council 8156 and the Ladies Auxiliary will serve a Lenten Meal from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in Johnson Hall . The menu will vary each week and the meal will cost $5 to off-set the increasing price of supplies. Please come and enjoy the company of your fellow parishioners with a meal before the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. Mass will follow the Stations of the Cross.
St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church is hosting an EIM Workshop on Thursday, February 16, at 6:00 pm. (In-person EIM Workshops are for NEW APPLICANTS ONLY.) You must have an EIM account (complete and submit the EIM Application at and pre-register to attend this workshop. Contact Evelyn Amador at [email protected] EIM Site Administrator for assistance if needed.
Everyone is invited to this half-day retreat presented by Carron Silva, Ph.D. on Sat., Feb. 25, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Topics include how unforgiveness can rob us of a life of fulfillment; how compassion can lead to forgiveness; and how to incorporate forgiveness as a life skill. Cost is $30, which includes her book, “With You Always: A Journey with Jesus. Coffee and snacks will be provided. Deadline to register is Feb. 24 at noon.
We invite everyone to participate in our parish book study. We will read "Our One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist" by Ron Rolheiser. We encourage people to get together with friends. Books are available for $15, find details at
Super Bowl Sunday is also the day of Souper Bowl of Caring, where organizations all over the country collect money and food to help alleviate hunger in their communities. The Youth of St. Catherine will collect donations after the weekend Masses to support Abiding Love Food Pantry. You may also donate online!
Have you been baptized and received your first communion but were never confirmed? We invite adults over the age of 18 to join us for our ten-week class on Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. starting February 6. To register, contact Jennifer at (512) 892-2420, ext. 331 or [email protected].
The Memorial of St. Blaise is today, February 3. We ask for St. Blaise’s intercession of healing or keeping us free from any illness or injury to our throats. The Blessing of the Throats will be given immediately following the noon Mass, as well as the monthly First Friday Anointing of the Sick.
Due to the the weather conditions damaged tree limbs on the Church grounds, we have cancelled Daily Mass today and the Parish Offices are closed. Please stay safe.