St. Catherine’s ACTS Community will be selling delicious baked treats after all Masses in the Courtyard until sold out. Please stop by to support this ministry. All proceeds will go towards scholarships for future retreats.
We are hosting an in-person EIM Workshop on September 11 at 6:00 p.m. (In-person workshops are for NEW APPLICANTS ONLY.) You must have an EIM account (complete and submit the EIM Application at and pre-register to attend this workshop. For more information about the Diocese of Austin EIM policy, please visit
Registration for our 2023/2024 Pre K – High School programs is now available online. For more information about the program this year and to register, please click this link.
It’s time for all of us to come together and join in the good work of the Gospel! Stop by the Ministry Fair in Johnson Hall on Sunday, August 20, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and learn what we as a community do to share our gifts with each other and the world, and discover how we can personally get involved. Coffee and Donuts will be available courtesy of the St. Vincent de Paul Society. See you there!
Beginning in August, we will publish the bulletin every other week. We will continue to email our weekly announcements via Flocknote every Saturday. To stay connected to our parish on a weekly basis, please make sure to sign up via Flocknote to receive the weekly newsletter, visit the parish website, or check out our Facebook page. Not signed up for Flocknotes? Click here for details!
Please return donations to the narthex or Abiding Love Parking Lot on Sundays, August 13, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. where the Knights of Columbus will host a Drive-Thru Food collection. You may also make a monetary donation at Thank you for your generosity!
Do you love the Word of God? Do you enjoy sharing your faith with children? We would like to expand our team of prayer leaders this fall and also find some people who would like to help with music. If you would like to join us one Sunday per month at the 9:30 a.m. Mass to help the children understand the Gospel and join in the prayers of the Mass, please contact Pam at [email protected]. We will offer training on Sunday, August 27, at 10:45 a.m. in the Cenacle.