Please return donations to the narthex this weekend or Abiding Love Parking Lot on Sunday, February 4, from 1:00 - 3:00 p.m. where the Knights of Columbus will host a Drive-Thru Food collection. You may also make a monetary donation at Thank you for your generosity!
St. Catherine’s Confirmation Ceremony will take place on Sunday, January 28 during the 5:00 p.m. Mass. Bishop Joe Vásquez will be the celebrant. Please keep our 45 Confirmation candidates in your prayers. We anticipate this Mass being very full, so please arrive early or consider attending another Mass next weekend.
We are hosting an in-person EIM Workshop on February 28 at 6:00 p.m. (In-person workshops are for NEW APPLICANTS ONLY.) You must have an EIM account (complete and submit the EIM Application at and pre-register to attend this workshop. For more information about the Diocese of Austin EIM policy, please visit
On Sat., Jan. 13, 2024, Fr. Lou Brusatti was recognized at the Saint & Scholars Dinner and Awards Ceremony, the Diocese of Austin’s annual celebration of Catholic education to recognize the “unsung” heroes of the schools, individuals whose dedication enables schools to accomplish their mission and good works. He received the Education Service Award from St. Gabriel's Catholic School and St. Michael’s Catholic Academy. Congratulations, Fr. Lou!
Word of God Sunday, instituted by Pope Francis, is observed on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. We invite our parishioners to engage with Scripture to experience the riches of the Bible. We are offering Bible study groups and opportunities for groups to study on their own as well. Click here to learn more!
Donate flowers in memory of a loved one or special occasion for a specific weekend. We ask for a donation of $150 for the altar flowers, $100 for the ambo flowers, or $200 for both. Click here to check which weekends are available, or contact the Parish Office at (512) 892-2420.
A special thank you to all of our priests, deacons, choirs and musicians, lectors, ushers, Mass coordinators, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, altar servers and altar linen ministry members who give of their time and talents to serve the community throughout the year and through this very holy season. A very special thank you to all the members of the Arts and Environment Committee for returning again and again this season, enabling us celebrate in a beautifully decorated church. You have our deepest gratitude and may God bless you all!