Please join us to wish our wonderful Ruben a wonderful retirement. Kindly bring a side, salad, or dessert to share! RSVP by Tuesday, April 30 so we can have an approximate headcount.
Adult and High School Senior musicians, your help is needed to mentor younger musicians! St. Catherine plans to host Summer Music Camp for one week in June, and we need your help to make it happen. Mentor musicians are needed in all instrument and vocal categories. For more information, see the posters in the Narthex or visit with Eric Carreiro, our Music Director, after Mass. Contact Eric at [email protected].
Dads, grandfathers, uncles and godfathers are invited to bring the special young ladies in their lives. Cost is $30 per couple, $5 per additional child. Take your girls out to dinner, then gather in Johnson Hall to enjoy dancing, crafts, and a potluck dessert. Click here for more information!
St. Catherine's will host the April meeting of the Austin Council of Catholic Women (ACCW) on Saturday, April 20. We will begin with Mass at 9:00 a.m., followed by a presentation by Fr. Lou in Siena Hall along with a very nice breakfast and a silent auction. All ladies of the parish are invited to attend. If you have not attended an ACCW meeting before, this is the perfect opportunity to see what it's all about!
On Monday, April 8, St. Catherine’s offices will be closed because of the Great American Eclipse passing directly over Austin. No meetings will be held at the church, and there will be no daily Mass.
We will celebrate on Sunday, April 7, at 2:30 p.m. in the Church with adoration, scripture, silent prayer, benediction and the singing of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy – all in just over an hour! All are welcome.
We would LOVE to bring back St. Catherine's wonderful VBS this summer, but we'll need a strong Planning Team to do so! VBS would be June 3 - 7 for children entering grades 1 - 5. If we have enough planning team members commit to leading a preschool group, we can also welcome four and five-year-old children. This year's program will be Come to the Table: When You Eat with Jesus, Anything Can Happen! All planning team positions need to be filled by April 1 to give us time to get ready! Click here for more information!