Adult and High School Senior musicians, your help is needed to mentor younger musicians! St. Catherine plans to host Summer Music Camp for one week in June, and we need your help to make it happen. Mentor musicians are needed in all instrument and vocal categories. For more information, see the posters in the Narthex or visit with Eric Carreiro, our Music Director, after Mass. Contact Eric at [email protected].
St. Catherine is in need of liturgical ministers! We are looking for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers and Lectors. We are looking for liturgical ministers to serve at all Mass times but especially the 11:30 a.m., 1:15 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses. If you are interested in serving in one or more of these ministries, please contact Katheryn Daniel, Liturgy Coordinator, at [email protected] or (512) 892-2420, ext. 335.
A pianist/organist is wanted to accompany one of our choirs in partnership with its director, cantors and psalmists. The ideal candidate will be skilled and versatile, able to play the many styles of the Church’s music with fluency and artistry from a variety of scores. Bachelor’s degree in Music preferred; other equivalent experience may be considered. This is a part-time position, but may grow in scope and compensation over time. Send résumé and letter of introduction to: Eric Carreiro, Director of Music, St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church, 4800 Convict Hill Road, Austin, TX 78749; or via email to [email protected].
St. Catherine of Siena is seeking interested volunteers to join this ministry to help the parish make good use of technology in community building and worship. We are looking fo individuals willing to share their time and talent in the following areas: Livestreaming/webcasting, online meetings, video production and editing, audio mixing, equipment management and deployment. For more information, click the title of the article for additional information.
This week, Pope Francis issued a decree about the use in some parishes of certain types if gluten-free substitutes for altar bread (hosts) at Mass. The Holy Father has prohibited the use of unapproved substitutes for the altar bread. At St. Catherine’s, we have, for quite some time, been using hosts made by the Benedictine Sisters of Clyde, Missouri, that already conform with Vatican guidelines. Click here to read more
Do you want to make your Palm from Palm Sunday into a cross and wonder how to do it? Click here to get instructions and also, read WHY we make the crosses.