St. Catherine is in need of liturgical ministers! We are looking for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers and Lectors. We are looking for liturgical ministers to serve at all Mass times but especially the 11:30 a.m., 1:15 p.m., and 5:00 p.m. Sunday Masses. If you are interested in serving in one or more of these ministries, please contact Katheryn Daniel, Liturgy Coordinator, at [email protected] or (512) 892-2420, ext. 335.
This week, Pope Francis issued a decree about the use in some parishes of certain types if gluten-free substitutes for altar bread (hosts) at Mass. The Holy Father has prohibited the use of unapproved substitutes for the altar bread. At St. Catherine’s, we have, for quite some time, been using hosts made by the Benedictine Sisters of Clyde, Missouri, that already conform with Vatican guidelines. Click here to read more