World Marriage Day will be celebrated at St. Catherine of Siena on Sat., Feb. 8 at the 5:00 p.m. Mass. This Mass will include the renewal of the marriage vows. If you are celebrating a multiple-of-five anniversary year in 2020 (you were married in a year ending in an 0 or a 5) you can receive a certificate honoring this important moment. Register to receive your certificate by Wed., Feb. 5. Click here for additional information.
We congratulate you on your anniversary. The date to obtain a World Marriage Day certificate has passed. You are welcome to attend either of the 5 PM Masses on Saturday, Feb 10 or Sunday, February 11 to renew your wedding vows.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: FEB 8! Will you be celebrating a wedding anniversary year ending in a three or eight during 2018? To register to receive a certificate at 5:00 PM Mass on February 10 or 11, click here.
The certificates are all printed and ready and we are unable to update the lists at this time. All are welcome to attend either of the two 5:00 PM World Marriage Day Masses and renew their marriage vows. We regret our inability to update the lists and certificates at this time. We do honor your commitment to marriage and congratulate you on your anniversary year.