St. Catherine of Siena Religious Education classes for the 2024-25 school year are now open for registration. Weekly classes for students in grades 1 - 6 begin on Tuesday, September 10. There is also an option for grades 1 - 6 to study at home. The Ignite Middle School, Ablaze High School, and Confirmation classes begin on Sunday, September 8. For details and to register, click here.
Dads, grandfathers, uncles and godfathers are invited to bring the special young ladies in their lives. Cost is $30 per couple, $5 per additional child. Take your girls out to dinner, then gather in Johnson Hall to enjoy dancing, crafts, and a potluck dessert. Click here for more information!
We would LOVE to bring back St. Catherine's wonderful VBS this summer, but we'll need a strong Planning Team to do so! VBS would be June 3 - 7 for children entering grades 1 - 5. If we have enough planning team members commit to leading a preschool group, we can also welcome four and five-year-old children. This year's program will be Come to the Table: When You Eat with Jesus, Anything Can Happen! All planning team positions need to be filled by April 1 to give us time to get ready! Click here for more information!
Every Friday evening during Lent, the Knights of Columbus Council 8156 and the Ladies Auxiliary will serve a Lenten Meal from 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. in Johnson Hall. All meals will be family-friendly. Please come and enjoy the company of your fellow parishioners with a meal before the Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m. Mass will follow the Stations of the Cross.
Word of God Sunday, instituted by Pope Francis, is observed on the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time. We invite our parishioners to engage with Scripture to experience the riches of the Bible. We are offering Bible study groups and opportunities for groups to study on their own as well. Click here to learn more!
Please join the Community of St. Catherine of Siena for our annual Christmas Celebration in Johnson Hall on Friday, December 15 at 6:30 p.m. Enjoy a Christmas Sing-a-long with St. Catherine's Orchestra and Singers, led by Eric Carreiro. Bring a finger food or dessert to share. We'll have a Wine Bar in the Café, bring your favorite wine to share. Everyone is invited! This is a free event, no RSVP is required.
Attention all parents, preschoolers, toddlers, and infants! You’re invited to our much-anticipated Holy Ween Party on Tuesday, October 31, from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. You and your little ones don't want to miss this celebration! Our dedicated preschool teachers have prepared an enchanting array of games and activities that promise a delightful experience for your little pumpkins. Costumes Encouraged!
St. Catherine’s ACTS Community will be selling delicious baked treats after all Masses in the Courtyard until sold out. Please stop by to support this ministry. All proceeds will go towards scholarships for future retreats.
Do you love the Word of God? Do you enjoy sharing your faith with children? We would like to expand our team of prayer leaders this fall and also find some people who would like to help with music. If you would like to join us one Sunday per month at the 9:30 a.m. Mass to help the children understand the Gospel and join in the prayers of the Mass, please contact Pam at [email protected]. We will offer training on Sunday, August 27, at 10:45 a.m. in the Cenacle.
All middle and high school youth are invited to join us in Siena Hall from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. for a fun evening of dinner, discussion, and games. We will also complete a small community service project. RSVP to attend online. We need volunteers to help with this event, contact Livia Telles-Rodriguez to volunteer!
Liturgy of the Word with Children will launch on Sunday, April 16 at the 9:30 a.m. Mass. We are excited to welcome children between the ages of 5 and 10 to join us in the Chapel after the opening prayer. Adult Prayer Leaders will lead them through the Gospel, the Creed and the Prayers of the Faithful in language that they best understand. Please contact Pam Neumann or Jennifer Gamblin to find out more!
Everyone is invited to come and participate in this re-enactment of God's saving actions from the Book of Exodus, which the Jewish people still celebrate as their Passover meal today. The Church will provide the special Seder Plate, and we ask guests to bring a casserole, salad or dessert to share. Families, children and all ages are welcome to come and celebrate together at this special, annual meal, as we prepare for Holy Week. Please RSVP today!
We invite everyone to participate in our parish book study. We will read "Our One Great Act of Fidelity: Waiting for Christ in the Eucharist" by Ron Rolheiser. We encourage people to get together with friends. Books are available for $15, find details at
Have you been baptized and received your first communion but were never confirmed? We invite adults over the age of 18 to join us for our ten-week class on Monday evenings at 7:30 p.m. starting February 6. To register, contact Jennifer at (512) 892-2420, ext. 331 or [email protected].
As the Church in the US starts off on our three year journey of rediscovering the central role of the Eucharist for Catholics, please join with friends, family members and groups to read "Becoming Eucharistic People," together or on your own. This book is available for $3 in the Adult Education Office. We invite everyone to start our study the week of Oct. 16. Together we can celebrate the Mass with new appreciation and understanding.
Are you a non-Catholic seeking an understanding of the Catholic faith? Interested in joining the Church? Are you a Catholic seeking further growth in your faith? Are you looking to celebrate additional sacraments? Are you a non-practicing Catholic seeking to return to the Church? Please join us on Mondays, starting Sept. 12 at 7:30 p.m. for a conversation about faith and finding your path to God. Contact Pam for more information at [email protected].
Ethics & Integrity in Ministry (EIM) promotes the protection of minors, elderly adults and adults with disabilities as well as ethical behavior in all ministry. We will be hosting an EIM Workshop in the Parish Center on Thursday, May 5, 2022 at 7:00 pm. Please register for the workshop and/or create an EIM Application at
St. Catherine’s will host a Posada on Sun., Dec. 12 at 6:30 p.m., after the 5:00 p.m. Mass. All families are invited to attend the Posada, the Bethlehem walk with Mary and Joseph as they look for a room for baby Jesus to be born. This will be an outdoor event. Sign up to bring a dessert to share!
As our local schools prepare to resume classes, we will have a special drive-through blessing & prayer for all students! Join us on Tues., Aug. 10, between 10 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. in the East Entry circle. One of the priests will be standing ready to greet you at the curb. Drive up, roll down your window(s) and hold up your backpack(s) for a blessing. It’s the best thing you can do to get ready for a new year of learning!
Due to the continued inclement weather, Ash Wednesday services are CANCELLED. As an alternative, distribution of ashes will be available between the Sunday Masses on Feb. 21.