We are collecting new backpacks and school supplies for students living in Foundation Communities’ affordable housing apartments in southwest Austin and for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Pick up a school supply list on the table in the narthex. Please return your donations by Sunday, July 24. Thank you!
Back to school can be a stressful time of year for many families. For children, the prospect of returning to school is daunting if their families cannot afford the required school supplies. We will be collecting new backpacks and school supplies for students that live in Foundation Communities’ affordable housing apartments in southwest Austin and also for the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Please consider purchasing a backpack and/or school supplies for these children. Pick up a school supply list on the table in the narthex. Please return your donations by Sunday, July 28. Thank you!
Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to make Christmas brighter for families in need. We will sort gifts on Wed., Nov. 28 at 2 p.m., and deliver gifts on Sat., Dec. 1 at 10 a.m. To help with the sort and/or delivery, please come to the church at the designated times. Thank you for your generous support!
Community Ministries has limited space to store donations. We are able to collect white tube socks, toiletries (full size and hotel size), non-perishable food, very gently used baby items, new/gently used adult clothing, purses, shoes & costume jewelry.
Catholic Charities of Central Texas has asked for donations of hygiene bags and financial support for the victims of the Memorial Day flooding. Please click here for information of collection efforts at St. Catherine's.